Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Three Most Important Pillars of Digital marketing and Mobile App development

Digital Marketing has become one of the marketing trends around the globe. Earlier, only e-commerce companies were focused on digital marketing techniques. But nowadays every business owner who knows the power of internet is now interested in digital marketing techniques.
The mobile industry is also focusing on the new trend. Top android and iOS app development companies are focusing on investing in different types of digital marketing techniques. The app developers who know the importance of digital marketing strive the market with different online marketing campaigns.

Pillars of Digital Marketing and your Mobile App

Social Media Marketing and Mobile App:
Social Media like; facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc; gives you an opportunity to reach out to a large group of people who are interested in what you have to offer. In this case, you should have a mobile app so that people can easily access and know what your app is about. You can use different social media platforms to create awareness. You not only have the opportunity to make customers on social media, but you also have a platform where you can build a relationship with your customers. Top mobile app development companies are using social media to know the reviews and feedback of customers about their apps. The one thing that you have to keep in mind that you need to respond quickly to your users about their queries and complaints.

Affiliate Marketing and Mobile App:
Affiliate marketing is another form of Digital Marketing, that you should not neglect. This form of marketing is used to market your mobile app among peoples and create awareness among the wider range of potential users. The people who do affiliate marketing are known as affiliate marketers. Affiliate marketers get a commission on the return of their marketing efforts. Most mobile app development companies hire professional digital marketing companies to handle their digital marketing campaigns include affiliate marketing.
Influencer Marketing and Mobile App:
Influences are celebrities, either in real-time or on social media. They already have a large, and loyal audience. All big brands are using this technique digital marketing. The influencers talk about your app and give the download link in the description for more information. The more influence the person has over you target, it will be better.

These are the three pillars of Digital marketing that will help you to reach your mobile app to a larger audience. There are many forms of digital marketing that you can use to promote your business. However, this three techniques are the most important techniques to grow your business.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Role of E-business, E-Marketing & E-Commerce for Brand Management

The internet has changed our life. It has impacted all aspects of our lives and also completely changed the way of doing business. The aim of every business is to maximize profits with brand positioning, which is obviously expected, you should know the role of e-business, e-marketing, e-commerce, and e-management to achieve success and for your brand recognition. 
Benefits of E-Business & E-Commerce

There are many brick and mortar businesses, that try to compete with e-businesses & e-commerce.  E-commerce and e-business are the words, that often used interchangeably, but there is a slight difference between them. E-business is the range of business activities, while e-commerce is the business activity of selling products and services through the internet.

Compared to traditional businesses, e-businesses have lower overheads, low inventory cost and reach a much wider audience specific to their niche, all over the world. 

Role of E-Marketing:
E-Marketing, Digital Marketing or Online Marketing is a trending tool that is used by many businesses to access a wider target market and satisfy their customer’s needs and wants efficiently and effectively.

E-marketing is very diversified marketing as you know it. Online marketing has various ways to provide benefits for your business like; Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, etc. The main function of e-marketing is CRM (Customer Relationship Management), which is very effective. The main focus of CRM is towards customer retention and sales growth, which is very critical for your business. 

With the help of CRM, you can re-target your customers, identify their specific needs and wants, provide them offers, that make your customers happy. 

Role of E-Management:
Proper management is necessary for every kind of business. There are many functions of management as planning, organizing, and controlling, that can be improved by the internet and other electronic technology. There is a wide variety of applications such as Google, skype and facebook that make e-management possible and easy at this age.
E-management facilitates video conferencing, remote access, and collaboration. Many companies conduct hiring, meetings, conferencing and training online. It saves time and money. Multinational companies are taking advantage of e-management, which allows cross-culture collaboration among teams. It improves productivity, efficiency and also saves money.

The internet has opened a new world of business, you can expand your business globally. You can easily do your brand management. You can hire an online marketing agency that will help to grow your business via the internet. 

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Need for Mobile Apps in Today’s Market.

The demand for mobile applications is increasing day by day because of their great demand in the business ecosystem. Most of the businesses are using mobile apps for the promotion of their products and services and the optional functioning of the business. 
If you are thinking that mobile apps are only for big brands like Amazon and Flipkart, you are wrong. You can also grow your business by making your own mobile app. Nowadays more and more small businesses focusing on mobile apps because they know that an app is more effective compared to a mobile-friendly website.
When it comes to mobile app development, it is a complicated process because it needs proper planning and execution. The rising trends of mobile app development have resulted in thousands of app. Reports say that smart devices are going to take over the PC market. Because it is considered that the future of personal computing is taken by tablets and smartphone devices. Many businesses are hiring mobile developers for their internal and external business process. 
More and more people are using mobile phones and tablets to perform their daily routine tasks, your business needs a mobile app that will be focused on your business requirements. If you are still not sure how the mobile app is beneficial for your business, here are some benefits of the mobile app for business:
  • All-time available for customers: Statistics show that 70-80% of people in India are using mobile phones and have access to the internet. If you create a mobile app of your business that means the probability of interaction with customers is increased. 
  • Direct Marketing: One of the biggest benefits of having a mobile app is that all the information that you would like to provide to your customers is easily available like; new sales, offers, special discounts, and promotions. Through push marketing strategy you can remind your customers about your products and services whenever it makes sense.
  • Brand and Recognition: The more you are available for your customers, the more you will get recognition for your brand. It creates a brand image in the mind of the customers. 
  • Customer Loyalty: It will help to make customer loyal. We slowly lose our connections with customers because of the immense amount of advertising surrounding us all. It’s time to make a true connection with your customers and making them loyal customers of your products or services.

Therefore, we can see that there are a lot of benefits to using mobile apps. You can hire an app development company for android app development or iOS app development. You can bring your own in house app development team. The app should be compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What is the difference between Digital marketing and traditional Marketing?

Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing both are used to monitor your business activities. But there are some differences that you should know before starting a business. 
When you start a new business, first you need to create awareness about it among the people. The action you take to make popular and sell your products or services in the market is known as marketing. It can be done in two ways: 

  1. Traditional Marketing
  2. Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing: 

We all are familiar with traditional marketing techniques. Traditional marketing is the old method of marketing, where you market your products and services via traditional methods. Traditional marketing methods are easy to understand and we are using them from decades like; TV advertisements, radio ads, banner ads, pamphlets, magazines, billboards, etc.

It is a very effective technique and has a reach of millions of people in a short period of time. It will definitely work if you have a large audience like; Pepsico, Colgate, Cocacola, etc. But it takes a big budget, small startups can’t afford it. If someone starts a small business and he wants to show the ads of his business on Radio and TV, then it will not possible for him to spend 4-5 lakhs/10 sec slot on the TV or radio ads. 

Big companies can go on with this, but the point is small startups can’t afford it. They do not have enough money to spend on advertisements.

Digital Marketing:

Now we are living in Digital India, where everything is just one click away. In the digitalized world, Digital marketing has significantly changed the way of marketing. 

Now India is the second-largest online market in the world. Still, there are 30-40% of people who are away from the internet. They will get access to it in the near future.
There are many digital marketing strategies that can help to grow your business. These are-
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Content Marketing 
  • PPC 
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Website Creation
  • Email Marketing etc.

These methods are being used in digital marketing. So the person who has access to the internet can reachable to your marketing campaign. And as we can see there are millions of users who use the internet.

Here are some benefits of Digital Marketing:

  1. As we discuss above traditional market cost is very high compared to digital marketing. Social media marketing is free of cost. We don’t need to pay anything to create any social media account.
  2. With digital marketing, you can target the right audience. In traditional marketing, it is not possible. If you are running an ad on TV or Radio, you don’t know who will be watching your ad. 
  3. There is a vast possibility of tracking your audience in digital marketing. Facebook, Google gives you the analytics of your ad campaigns, how much need you get from each campaign.
  4. The campaign you run in digital marketing, it is very flexible. You can edit your campaigns at any time. If you want to stop, start, increase or decrease your campaign, you can do this by one click only.

After studying all the benefits of digital marketing, you can see that digital marketing is increasing day by day. But traditional marketing has its own benefits. Better integrate your marketing efforts and take benefits. If you are not using digital marketing techniques that means you are going to regret it in the future. You should hire a digital marketing agency so that you can focus on your core business areas and the company will promote your business on your behalf.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Top 5 Digital Marketing Techniques in 2019

When it comes to digital marketing strategies, there are many techniques. But you need to focus on some specific digital marketing techniques. There are the most popular strategies in 2019 which are used by all enterprises whether it is small or large. To survive in the competitive world you should follow these strategies:

Search Engine Marketing:
The abbreviated form of search engine marketing “SEO” is SEM. It is the most effective technique to promote your business online. It is a type of paid marketing. You can increase your website visibility and traffic through paid marketing. Search Engine Marketing is the most effective way to promote your business online.

Search Engine Optimization:
Search engine optimization is completely different from search engine marketing. As you know that SEM is a paid marketing tool that is used to promote your business on Serch Engine Result Page (SERP), while Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an organic tool or you can say it is a free technique that is used by a large number of users nowadays. SEO is used to improve the quality and quantity of traffic or visitors on the website.

Social Media Marketing:
SMM or Social Media Marketing is a technique in which a business promote and share its product or services or content through social media platform like; facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, etc; to achieve its marketing and branding goals.

Email Marketing:
Email marketing is effective tool to send emails in a group of costumers. According to the Google Analytics report, the average open rate of an email is 15-20%. For taking advantage of email marketing tool you should design an effective mail because effective mail increases the chances of converting prospects to the consumer. 

Content Marketing:
Content Marketing is the most effective tool of Digital Marketing for your target audience. Content that you are going to deliver to your audience should be relevant, valuable and consistent. Content plays the most important role in Digital marketing. So keep in mind that content should be precise, concrete and clear.

Follow these strategies and you will have a good start in your business and don’t be afraid to take any digital marketing service from a reputed digital marketing agency, so you don’t make any kind of mistake in your business.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Digital Marketing and its Benefits From Small to Large Enterprises

 We all are familiar with the word Digital marketing. It is in trends these days. Digital marketing or E-Marketing is beneficial for all types of business whether it is small or big.

Now come to the point that how digital marketing is beneficial for our business. 

  • When we start a new business, first we need to create awareness among people about our business. In this case, the online medium is a good choice compare to the offline medium. According to research, almost 82% of consumers search and buy products online. From Small to Large enterprises are implementing digital marketing techniques to grow their business. 
  • E-marketing is the most powerful form of marketing. It has the potential to transform the way to reach customers. You just need to create an effective strategy and a good implementation for taking the benefit of Digital Marketing. If you apply it in an effective manner then it just a matter of month to increase your reach and conversions.
  • It is the most cost-effective way to market your business with digital marketing. With a minimal budget, small enterprises can get maximum benefits from digital media marketing to compare to traditional marketing. Earlier it was very difficult for small enterprises to compete with larger enterprises with small budgets. Now it is possible only with digital media marketing.
  • Businesses can measure their success only with digital marketing. If you are running a campaign for your business, you can measure its performance that it is actually working or not and it can be adjusted according to your specifications. But in traditional marketing, if you are running a campaign on TV or radio, it is not possible to measure its performance. 
  • In digital marketing, you can target your niche audience. With proper SEO only the interested user will view your content. With Email Marketing, Pay-per-click, Social Media Marketing, and Display Advertising you can target your specific audience. With proper analytics, you are able to start remarketing campaigns. By improving targeting, you do not need to be worry that you are utilizing your budget and resources to those people who are not interested. The one thing you have to do is that you have to create an effective strategy and implementation.
  • The most important tool for Digital Marketing is SEO. By using relevant keywords that describe your products and services, will more beneficial to target your audience. Optimize your content with search engines is helpful to reach more buyers online.
As you can see that Digital Marketing is more beneficial than Traditional Marketing. It can change the way that your business can reach and engage your target market. All is possible only with the perfect strategy and good implementation.

How Digital Marketing Plays an Important Role in Business

Nowadays everyone knows about Digital Marketing. It is also known as Online Marketing or E-Marketing. Digital Marketing is the marketing of Products and Services using an online platform or via the internet. Now come to the roles of it; it plays an important role in everyone’s life nowadays. We all are connected with online activities in one and another way.

From Large to Small and Medium-scale Enterprises are taking advantage of online advertising and lead generation. Also, digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing. Almost 90% of the total population in India is using the internet on a regular basis. That is why the great advantage of online marketing is its reach capability. It has the capacity to connect with different users all over the world without utilizing extra cost. It increases the chances of growth for small scale businesses.

According to a Survey Report
32% of small businesses invest in social media only. 25% are investing in online marketing and 17% are investing in SEO.

The conversion rate through digital media marketing is higher than traditional marketing. It is easy to measure the conversion rate through real-time by using simple methods. Email marketing, social media marketing, and SEO have a high conversion rate because they are able to create an effective communication channel with the consumers.

You can get better ROI via digital marketing. It gives you the scope to reach more peoples at the same time within your budget. You can target your niche audiences who would definitely like your concept and appreciate it.

Now we can say that the future of Digital Marketing is very bright. But the competition is very high, to survive in the cut-throat competition we need to update with the new digital marketing trends and create new strategies to grow our business.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The big benefits of having a digital marketing career.

Digital marketing has created quite a hype in the market owing to the immense importance of it and the fact that it lets you widen your customer market and boom your career with more brands, more sales, and more revenue generation. Digital marketing has taken the world by storm and has increased the focus of businesses and consumers in a more professional and better way. If you want to know about the career prospects in the digital marketing profile, then this article can help you to reap the advantages of digital marketing jobs

The types of digital marketing jobs
Digital marketing just like the traditional form of marketing requires a product that has to be sold digitally, that means with the help of internet. Now you have to engage the customers by building brand awareness and that is how you will be able to close a sale. With the increasing requirement of selling products digitally, the roles and skills required for digital marketing have become more widespread. 
The following are the various profiles of having a digital marketing job. 
  • Video and audio production
  • AI
  • Mobile marketing 
  • Search engine optimization 
  • Social media marketing 
  • Social engine marketing 
  • Ecommerce marketing 
  • Marketing automation
  • Email marketing 
  • Content marketing and curation 
  • Copywriting and editing 
  • Business analytics
If you need to advance your career in the field of digital marketing, then you need to be trained in one or two fields to run effective management and get the best training you can get. 

What are the most important skills in digital marketing?
the digital economy is increasing day by day and this marketing is going to achieve tremendous growth in the coming years as well. It is, therefore, profitable to learn the skills required to excel in this field now so that you can remain in the competition later as well. According to a survey, the most important skill in demand for digital marketing is mobile marketing. 95% of any traffic is derived from search engine and you have to devise strategies that can not only be effective for SEO but SMO as well. 
you must learn skills like content marketing, social media strategy, analytics and indulge in creative creations to make your business more innovative an in demand as compared to the others. 
So, now when you know the skills required to be a top digital marketing professional, then why don’t reap the maximum benefits of it!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Consider the following things before hiring a mobile app development company

With the increasing trend and reliance on the applications for everything right from household requirements, till medicines and fashion. Today’s world is all about ease and convenience and making things and situations comfortable. Mobile applications play an important part of the modern lifestyle.
So, if your business is suddenly decided to launch a mobile application for their product listing, then your business is about to embark a new form of business and will be able to reach a wider level of the audience. However, you need to consider the following things before you hire any mobile application development company for your needs. 
1. The portfolio of the company: you need to see the various projects that the company has worked on. This will help you to know the various Android apps that they have built and the type of applications they were. This will help to give you an idea of all the work that is going on in the company and the versatility of the app developers of the company. 
2. Expertise: before you any mobile app development company, you need to see whether the company will be able to add actual features to the functionality of the mobile application you want them to build. This will also help to integrate the other systems and the workflows of the software that they will construct the mobile application in. 
3. The price: you know the class of application that you want them to build so, you need to judge the price you entail for that. Mobile apps are not easy to construct and so they come pricy. You can always negotiate but when talking about the brand value and the quality of the application. 
4. The platform: iOS applications are most costly to build as compared to the other applications that you want to develop. You can get your applications built for different platforms depending on the crowd you will have to target with it. You can always hire companies that can build multi-cross platforms who have a clear understanding of the applications they are building. 
5. Timeline: the mobile app should be delivered to you on the time mentioned by the developers and they should be able to provide you with timely status about the development of the mobile app. A company that fulfils their time is one that you can hire. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Why is digital marketing of pivotal importance for your business growth?

As a business owner, you must make your business thrive and not just survive. You need to think up ways that make your business look great and engage a lot of customers and an increase in sales too. This is where the role of digital marketing comes into play, making your business achieve the sales and revenue it deserves. If a business is growing and thriving, its revenue will increase by leaps and bounds. 
But the major question over here is that what makes a business from simple to extraordinary and what all changes do you have to make for your business to grow properly. The answer to your question is digital marketing. Digital marketing plays a crucial role in making your brand achieve the power and thrive in the customer engagement market. By the end of the article, you will understand the key role of digital marketing in your business and how to leverage the potential of the internet for your business. 

What do you understand by digital marketing?
The world of digital marketing is huge and wide and takes a lot of time for any marketer to understand. For anyone new to the arcade of digital marketing, it refers to a marketing tactic involving the use of internet and electronic devices. For any market that is classified online, the market is referred to as a digital marketer. That means, that social media marketing, content marketing, and SEO all are a part of the huge prospects of digital marketing. 
The idea of letting your business grow in the digital space has been gaining popularity over the last decade and the only reason for it that it is easy, affordable and beneficial for the businesses. With the internet becoming the basic necessity of everyone, you must gain the maximum benefits of it for your business. 
As a business owner, you have the authority to use the internet to engage in widespread deliveries, reach to customers outside of your geographical reach and provide them with products that make them a loyal to your brand. You can source the traffic from the publishing of the online blogs, your LinkedIn activity, Facebook and through your online audiences gained from Twitter. 

All you have to do is attract the customers to buy products from you by sitting at the convenient locations with just an internet connection and your laptops or Smartphone’s. They feel the advantage of not going for the brick and mortar houses and sit at their homes and browse through your products. 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

These Things Will Help You To Find The Best App Development Company In Delhi/NCR

If you are looking to find the best mobile app development company in Delhi, then the following tips will help you in finding the right one

In the recent decade, the use of apps and the boost in e-commerce importance has been unbelievable. Now more and more enterprises are understanding the importance of digital media and market their sources in the right manner. Companies are making huge investments just to craft that right mobile app for the successful endeavor of their businesses. Not only this, but the business of mobile app is increasing at a rapid pace according to the innovation in the user expectations. 

There are certain key factors that you have to determine before you start hunting for the right mobile app development company. Either you will have to impress the users or you will have to improve the presence of your business in the market through an effective mobile app development company. If you are looking to find the best mobile app development company in Delhi, then the following tips will help you in finding the right one. 

1. Read through the customers’ reviews and feedback: you can always read through the reviews of the customers that have indulged in the service of the mobile app development company. The feedback given by the clients will let you gain some information about the company and their pattern of working. You will also get the knowledge about the pros and cons of the company and entail you with the quality of the services offered to you by the IT company. You also need to see through the years of experience that the company holds in building mobile apps.

2. Security: the leaking of private information is one of the biggest threats to any company. That is why you need to ensure the security of the information that you share with the app development company. You might like the app design and development but always make them sign a contract that entails about the breach of any information will include a trial in the court for the development company.

3. Delivery: deadlines are really important and so is there fulfillment. You need to find mobile app development companies near me that make sure a timely status update of all the relevant information and any progress in the successful development of the application. 

Choosing the right mobile app development company is a tedious task. Ensure that your investment is in the right zone when you hire a mobile app development company for your services.